Link list for the peace movement

The Albert Einstein Institution
Nonprofit organization to advance the study of strategic nonviolent action.
Connection e.V.
Inter­na­tio­nal Support of Conscien­tious Objec­tors and Deserters
Culture of Peace News Network
News and articles about peace
ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade)
European peace groups working together.
Europa for Peace
About the Europe for Peace Declaration
Global Nonviolence Network
List of organizations and individuals that promote and/or teach nonviolence.
Global Campaign on Military Spending
GPPAC (Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict)
Network connecting over 250+ civil society organisations worldwide
The Hague Peace Projects
Dialogue is our path to understanding
ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)
International campaign to stigmatize, ban and eliminate nuclear weapons.
International Cities of Peace
International Crisis Group
Independent organisation working to prevent wars.
International network of museums for peace
International Peace Bureau
Dedicated to the vision of a World Without War
A global, award-winning network that connects young local talents via music, art and play
Musicians without borders
Supports musicians everywhere to use music to create positive change.
Multicultural Women Peacemakers Network
In Dutch, French and partially English
No to NATO
Nonviolence International
Peace Brigades International
Making space for peace (English & Spanish)
Peace Power
Skills needed for a more peaceful and nonviolent world.
Uniting for Peace
International NGO working to create a global culture of peace.
World Beyond War
A global movement to end all wars.
World Peace 2035
Creating World Peace with a due date of 2035.
German anti-war house
Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft
German Peace Society
Erich Maria Remarque – Friedenszentrum
Peace Center in Osnabrück, Germany, focusing on Erich Maria Remarque. Several languages.
German anarchist newspaper striving to spread the practice of non-violent revolution
Nihon Hidankyo
Japan confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations
Peace News
Newspaper for nonviolent revolution
Peace Pledge Union
British pacifist campaigning organisation
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
Fights against wars at home (the U.S.) and abroad.
World Peace Society of Australia
Abolition 2000
Steppe organization for peace
Adopt a Revolution
Supports civil self-organization against the Assad dictatorship and religious fanaticism.
The Albert Einstein Institution
Nonprofit organization to advance the study of strategic nonviolent action.
Asser Nexus
The work of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut on conflict and crime
Beyond the Bomb
Place for campaign-oriented organizations for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Connection e.V.
Inter­na­tio­nal Support of Conscien­tious Objec­tors and Deserters
Danish Peace Academy
Lots of information, also in English and German
Disarm the Conflict
Who arms Israel
Erich Maria Remarque – Friedenszentrum
Peace Center in Osnabrück, Germany, focusing on Erich Maria Remarque. Several languages.
Everyday Rebellion
Lots of tips for nonviolent action.
Footprints for Peace
Walking for peace
Freedom Flottila
Global Nonviolent Action Database
information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action
Global Campaign on Military Spending
ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)
International campaign to stigmatize, ban and eliminate nuclear weapons.
Iraq Body Count
A global, award-winning network that connects young local talents via music, art and play
Metapontum Game
Peace chess game
Musicians without borders
Supports musicians everywhere to use music to create positive change.
No to NATO
Nonviolent Resistance
Many articles about nonviolence.
Peace Not War (aka:
Portal for broadcasting music, and networking activism
Peace One Day
Peace Palace Library
The foremost international law library serving the international community.
Peace Pilgrim
Palestinian environmental organization
Satyagraha Foundation
Archive of significant texts on the history of nonviolence.
Forum for discussion among scientists to promote science as a driver for peace.
Soldiers’ Mothers of Saint-Petersburg
Assists conscripts who chose to undertake alternative civilian service
Stop the War
De-escalation Starts with Dialogue. It’s Time to Talk! Support talking
War is a Crime
Blog about the criminal enterprise known as war
World Peace 2035
Creating World Peace with a due date of 2035.
World Peace Flame
Stories, tips, thoughts of peace.
World Report on the Culture of Peace
The Albert Einstein Institution
Nonprofit organization to advance the study of strategic nonviolent action.
Amnesty International
ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade)
European peace groups working together.
International School for Peace Studies
I.S.P.S. is dedicated to the resolving of conflict through exclusively peaceful means
War is a Crime
Blog about the criminal enterprise known as war
Anti-Kriegs Museum
World’s first Anti-War Museum in Germany
Caen Memorial museum
Centre Mondial de la Paix
World center for peace (museum).
Coexistence Art Museum
Museum on the Seam in Jerusalem.
Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum
Archive dedicated to the scientific investigation of the work of Remarque
In Flanders Fields
This museum conserves the story of war in the West Flanders front region.
Friedensbibliothek – Antikriegsmuseum
Library – museum in Berlin.
Friedensmuseum Brücke von Remagen
The bridge at Remagen – monument to peace and freedom.
Friedensmuseum Meeder e.V.
German peace museum in the basement of the Meeder primary school.
Friedensmuseum Nürnberg
Member of the ICAN ( International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons )
Gandhi Memorial Museum
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
International network of museums for peace
Peace Museum Bradford
Culture of Peace News Network
News and articles about peace
German anarchist newspaper striving to spread the practice of non-violent revolution
Peace News
Newspaper for nonviolent revolution
Global Nonviolence Network
List of organizations and individuals that promote and/or teach nonviolence.
Global Nonviolent Action Database
Examples of nonviolent actions that overthrew dictators
Global Nonviolent Action Database
information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action
Housemans World Peace Database
An authoritative listing of peace and related organisations around the world.

For Dutch and Flemish links we maintain a list on