Link list for the peace movement
The Albert Einstein Institution Nonprofit organization to advance the study of strategic nonviolent action. |
Connection e.V. International Support of Conscientious Objectors and Deserters |
Culture of Peace News Network News and articles about peace |
ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade) European peace groups working together. |
Europa for Peace About the Europe for Peace Declaration |
Global Nonviolence Network List of organizations and individuals that promote and/or teach nonviolence. |
Global Campaign on Military Spending |
GPPAC (Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict) Network connecting over 250+ civil society organisations worldwide |
The Hague Peace Projects Dialogue is our path to understanding |
ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) International campaign to stigmatize, ban and eliminate nuclear weapons. |
International Cities of Peace |
International Crisis Group Independent organisation working to prevent wars. |
International network of museums for peace |
International Peace Bureau Dedicated to the vision of a World Without War |
MasterPeace A global, award-winning network that connects young local talents via music, art and play |
Musicians without borders Supports musicians everywhere to use music to create positive change. |
Multicultural Women Peacemakers Network In Dutch, French and partially English |
No to NATO |
Nonviolence International |
Peace Brigades International Making space for peace (English & Spanish) |
Peace Power Skills needed for a more peaceful and nonviolent world. |
Uniting for Peace International NGO working to create a global culture of peace. |
World Beyond War A global movement to end all wars. |
World Peace 2035 Creating World Peace with a due date of 2035. |
Antikriegshaus German anti-war house |
Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft German Peace Society |
Erich Maria Remarque – Friedenszentrum Peace Center in Osnabrück, Germany, focusing on Erich Maria Remarque. Several languages. |
Graswurzel German anarchist newspaper striving to spread the practice of non-violent revolution |
Nihon Hidankyo Japan confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations |
Peace News Newspaper for nonviolent revolution |
Peace Pledge Union British pacifist campaigning organisation |
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) Fights against wars at home (the U.S.) and abroad. |
World Peace Society of Australia |
Abolition 2000 Steppe organization for peace |
Adopt a Revolution Supports civil self-organization against the Assad dictatorship and religious fanaticism. |
The Albert Einstein Institution Nonprofit organization to advance the study of strategic nonviolent action. |
Asser Nexus The work of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut on conflict and crime |
Beyond the Bomb Place for campaign-oriented organizations for the abolition of nuclear weapons |
Connection e.V. International Support of Conscientious Objectors and Deserters |
Danish Peace Academy Lots of information, also in English and German |
Disarm the Conflict Who arms Israel |
Erich Maria Remarque – Friedenszentrum Peace Center in Osnabrück, Germany, focusing on Erich Maria Remarque. Several languages. |
Everyday Rebellion Lots of tips for nonviolent action. |
Footprints for Peace Walking for peace |
Freedom Flottila |
Global Nonviolent Action Database information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action |
Global Campaign on Military Spending |
ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) International campaign to stigmatize, ban and eliminate nuclear weapons. |
Iraq Body Count |
MasterPeace A global, award-winning network that connects young local talents via music, art and play |
Metapontum Game Peace chess game |
Musicians without borders Supports musicians everywhere to use music to create positive change. |
No to NATO |
Nonviolent Resistance Many articles about nonviolence. |
Peace Not War (aka: Portal for broadcasting music, and networking activism |
Peace One Day |
Peace Palace Library The foremost international law library serving the international community. |
Peace Pilgrim |
Pengon Palestinian environmental organization |
Satyagraha Foundation Archive of significant texts on the history of nonviolence. |
Science4Peace Forum for discussion among scientists to promote science as a driver for peace. |
Soldiers’ Mothers of Saint-Petersburg Assists conscripts who chose to undertake alternative civilian service |
Stop the War De-escalation Starts with Dialogue. It’s Time to Talk! Support talking |
War is a Crime Blog about the criminal enterprise known as war |
World Peace 2035 Creating World Peace with a due date of 2035. |
World Peace Flame Stories, tips, thoughts of peace. |
World Report on the Culture of Peace |
The Albert Einstein Institution Nonprofit organization to advance the study of strategic nonviolent action. |
Amnesty International |
ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade) European peace groups working together. |
International School for Peace Studies I.S.P.S. is dedicated to the resolving of conflict through exclusively peaceful means |
War is a Crime Blog about the criminal enterprise known as war |
Anti-Kriegs Museum World’s first Anti-War Museum in Germany |
Caen Memorial museum |
Centre Mondial de la Paix World center for peace (museum). |
Coexistence Art Museum Museum on the Seam in Jerusalem. |
Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum Archive dedicated to the scientific investigation of the work of Remarque |
In Flanders Fields This museum conserves the story of war in the West Flanders front region. |
Friedensbibliothek – Antikriegsmuseum Library – museum in Berlin. |
Friedensmuseum Brücke von Remagen The bridge at Remagen – monument to peace and freedom. |
Friedensmuseum Meeder e.V. German peace museum in the basement of the Meeder primary school. |
Friedensmuseum Nürnberg Member of the ICAN ( International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons ) |
Gandhi Memorial Museum |
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum |
International network of museums for peace |
Peace Museum Bradford |
Culture of Peace News Network News and articles about peace |
Graswurzel German anarchist newspaper striving to spread the practice of non-violent revolution |
Peace News Newspaper for nonviolent revolution |
Global Nonviolence Network List of organizations and individuals that promote and/or teach nonviolence. |
Global Nonviolent Action Database Examples of nonviolent actions that overthrew dictators |
Global Nonviolent Action Database information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action |
Housemans World Peace Database An authoritative listing of peace and related organisations around the world. |
For Dutch and Flemish links we maintain a list on