Peace Education
“The most important way to promote the Culture of Peace is through peace education. Peace education must be accepted in all parts of the world, in all societies and countries, as an essential element in building a Culture of Peace. Peace studies in all educational institutions should be included as part of their curricula. Peace studies must be an essential part of our educational process just like reading and writing.”
– Ambassadeur Anwarul K. Chowdhury, Promoting the Culture of Peace is through Peace Education, February 1, 2008.
In the action program of the resolution on a Culture of Peace, the UN General Assembly has included a number of points regarding Peace Education, which is seen as one of the most important components. Actions to promote a Culture of Peace through education:
- Enhance national efforts and international cooperation to promote education for all, with a view to achieving human, social and economic development and a Culture of Peace;
- Ensure that children are educated from an early age on the values, attitudes, behavior and ways of life of a Culture of Peace, so that they can resolve conflicts peacefully and with respect for human dignity, tolerance and without discrimination;
- Involving children in activities designed to teach them the values and goals of a Culture of Peace;
- Ensure equal access to education for women, especially girls;
- Encouragement of revision of educational curricula, including textbooks, taking into account the Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace;
- To encourage and strengthen the efforts of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) aimed at developing values and skills conducive to a Culture of Peace, including education and training to promote dialogue;
- Strengthening the ongoing efforts of the relevant parts of the United Nations focused on training and education, in the areas of conflict prevention and crisis management, peaceful dispute settlement and post-conflict peace building;
- Expand initiatives to promote a Culture of Peace undertaken by higher education institutions in various parts of the world, including the United Nations University, the University for Peace and the UNESCO program.

In addition, the member states of ECOWAS, (Economic Community of West African States) have agreed to take the following steps to promote a Culture of Peace:
- Establishing equal justice for all citizens;
- Provide support to organizations working to promote peace, such as national and international non-governmental organizations and associations, as well as United Nations agencies;
- Strengthening national democratic institutions and respect for ratified international treaties;
- Compliance with laws and regulations;
- Ecological protection for the sustainability of the relationships between people and their environment;
- To teach skills and knowledge to promote support for peace and negotiation skills to ensure a harmonious life for oneself and peaceful coexistence with others.
Finally, the global campaign for Peace Education provides a lot of useful information about current projects, books and articles involving peace education. See: